Thunder Program
Thunder Program is the programs that provide training and knowledge about the usage of lubricant and recommendation in usage of optimum lubricant for industrial machine on plant.

Fleet Clinic
Fleet Clinic is the activities that Prapakorn Oil Co.,LTD held to create a better understanding of lubricant products for the commercial lubricant transporter at customer’s establishment.

IW Clinic
Prapakorn iw seminar or IW Clinic is the activities that Prapakorn Oil Co.,LTD held to provide knowledge about lubricants for entrepreneurs of garages and car care by a team of lubricant engineers and sellers who acknowledge in the products at customer's establishment.

Thunder Seminar
Academic Seminar (Thunder Seminar) is the activities that Prapakorn Oil Co.,LTD held to provide knowledge about the usage of lubricant in machines or engines by specialized technician. This program is also giving out lubricant knowledge which can reduce maintenance time and reduce production cost in customer’s business.

IW, Fleet, Retail Seminar
IW, Fleet, Retail Seminar is the activities that Prapakorn Oil Co.,LTD held to provide knowledge about lubricants for IW entrepreneurs, fleet and retail by team of lubricant engineers and specialized technicians and also including leisure activities for customer.